Our Family


The demands of running more than one local business always keeps Emily on her toes. But no matter how busy she gets, she still manages to make time for the truly important things.

“Family time is huge. I can be here from 8-16 hours a day sometimes, but making sure I’m present for my kids for is important. Because in the end, they’re the reason I’m doing what I’m doing.”

For more, checkout this article about Emily!


You’ll see her tending to creations in the kitchen, offering advice in the Feed Store or visiting on the outdoor patio, sharing smiles and soaking in a bit of sun. She’ll also tell you that she should also be home, watering the plants in the nursery that come in to the Feed Store, and all the other foliage that exists.

For more, checkout this article about Dale!


While you can occasionally find him behind the bar, or in Feed Store if it needs his help, our head brewer nowadays tends to be around his brewing equipment. To catch him at his craft, Stephen is usually best viewed through the window of our indoor dining area brewing up a batch of our beer.

For more, checkout this article about Stephen!


Jason has been a part of the family business since the business was just a concept under development by his sister and mom, Emily and Dale, and it’s an understatement to say that the Feed Store couldn’t function near as smoothly without him.

For more, checkout this article about Jason!