John Stinnett gave us a great write up recently on our Facebook page about this limited edition holiday beer. Once these three kegs are gone, it won’t be back until next year!
From the article: Just after the 2020 holiday, head brewer Stephen Mathys brewed and kegged a porter that has spent the entirety of 2021 growing in complexity, loveliness, and impact. Recently, his patience paid off, and Musick Imperial Porter – named for the historic mine and guard station in the Bohemia mountains – is tasting positively fabulous.
This winter warmer boasts Opal 22 toasted malt from central Oregon, a must for special-occasion brews which imparts a graham cracker/chocolate flavor that’s perfect for the season. Ecuadorian cocoa nibs added into the fermenter only deepen its character. At 9.5 percent ABV, it’s sure to bring spirit to your holiday season.
Stephen’s next special beer will be available for Robert Burns Night, January 25th, stay tuned for upcoming information!