New CFB Beer: Saison Dorena
Introducing our latest house ale: Saison Dorena. 5.5%, 25 IBU. This is the famous farmhouse ale reinterpreted for Cottage Grove.
Introducing our latest house ale: Saison Dorena. 5.5%, 25 IBU. This is the famous farmhouse ale reinterpreted for Cottage Grove.
It’s almost summer, and it’s almost time for a refreshing beverage to tame down the effects of that bright sunshine. Stop by the pub today
Coast Fork Brewing, Falling Sky, and Hop Valley have been working on a collaboration beer for the KLCC Brewfest 2023!
Hey educators, school is about to be back in. Did you know we offer educators a weekly discount on Fridays? Don’t forget you can come
It’s August and summer is in full swing! Come join us for great beer, delicious food, live music, friendly faces and lots of fun times!
Seed season as arrived, come on down to get everything you need for starting your seeding journey.
Join us Saturday January 25th for our 10th annual Robert Burns night! Enjoy live music and a special menu just for the occasion. We’ll be
Fall is the time to bring in the harvest and preserve the fruits of your summer efforts, but did you also know that it is
We recently were awarded a grant from the Main Street America national award programs. The full article can be found on the Cottage Grove Sentinel
He’s been in the hospitality biz since he was old enough to work, following life’s lead to various locales. But Brett Pires says he never